Halloween has passed and Daylight savings time has ended at here in the Northeast it's dark by 4:30. And cold. And the leaves are quickly turning brown and falling down.  We haven't yet had a hard freeze, but once that happens, we're done with pretty blooming things until the crocuses start peeping up out of the dirt. It's one reason that we like our evergreens here - at least something has a bit of color outside the window. I am particularly taken with with topiary gardens and harbor a strong desire to grow (sculpt?) one some day. Here are a few inspiration photos...

from Edward Scissorhands

Topiary in Beijing via Hatch: The Design Public Blog, via More Ways to Waste Time

How cute is this? Unfortunately I lost the source...

via BBC

 Costa Rican topiary via ElleMondo

And one for a touch of snowy wonder...

via Flickr

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