This week at The Skirted Roundtbable, Megan, Joni and I welcomed Leslie Sinclair, a Houston-based decorative painter and author of the new book Segreto: Secrets to Finishing Beautiful Interiors

Leslie is a real go-getting dynamo type. She's completely self-taught as a decorative painter, and now runs a 25 person operation. She owns an art gallery that features several talented artists as well as her own works, PLUS when she decided she wanted to publish a book, she did it all herself. Leslie's firm does everything from walls to cabinetry to floors:

Leslie will be sending a sign copy of her book to one of our listeners. Just listen to the podcast and let us know what was most interesting or inspiring to you about Leslie in our chat!

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks!
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