I hope everyone is doing okay in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy!? We were very lucky here on Cape Cod, didn't even lose power, though many others did. My thoughts go out to all those in the more affected areas in New York, New Jersey and all along the coast!

I wanted to share a post I just did for New England Home magazine's blog. I wrote about my love of tiny tables: they are not only beautiful but also very handy!

Read the rest of the article here. And below are some lovely little tables that I've been noticing recently:

Dunes & Duchess' Drinks Top Tables

Van Collier Ginkie Martini Table

Accordian Side Table from Urban Outfitters

Silver Waves Martini table from Zinc Door

Manhattan Martini Table from Stanley Signatures

Parisian Side Table from RH Baby & Child

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks! Subscribe to ::Surroundings::


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