Okay, so in the Chinese calendar, it's the year of the horse. But for me, 2014 will be the year of the dog!

Obviously, 2013 will not go down as one of my favorite years. As a matter of fact (and not to be a total Debbie Downer about it), the last five years have not been really fantastic for me. I lost both my parents and my home, and in 2014 I will go through the task sorting out their lifetime of belongings. As a designer, I'm in the business of helping clients acquire new belongings and make better use of what they already own.  I believe in the value of things in our lives - not as status symbols but as kind of charms on the bracelet of our lives. As I look through old photos going back long before I was born, I see the antique clock my Dad lovingly kept wound, the rug that belonged to my grandparents, family photos at the dining room table with the china and silver - all of which still graces the house. These "things" literally vibrate with memories. Not everything has great monetary value, but most are certainly personally valuable. My dad's woodworking skills abound - in the Grandfather clock he built in an adult-ed shop class, his Mom's rocking chair that he refinished and upholstered in another long-ago class. My mom's contributions were more ephemeral - her gorgeous gardens, delicious meals she lovingly planned and prepared. Together they made a beautiful home.

But, more immediately, I'm on the lookout for a new dog! I've wanted one for a long time and the time has come. We always had dachshunds and I just love, love them! So, within a few weeks, I hope to be able to introduce a new member of the family!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2014. Thanks for sticking with me - more exciting things are to come in the new year!


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