I was in Chicago last week giving two seminars at the IWCE Visions Window Expo - which went really well I think! - and wandering the booths at KBIS, the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show.  More to come on those - I'm still working on my photos. But, on the third day, I did some serious sight seeing. It was my first time in Chi-town and it certainly lived up to its reputation of being a fantastic city. The architecture, the popcorn, the pizza, the public art - and Marilyn? Not even locals can explain the enormous Marilyn near the Chicago Tribune building. This view from the top of the double-decker bus.

Another enormous installation in Grant Park are the "Agora" sculptures by Polish artist Magdelena Abakanowicz. Agora references outdoor, or urban, meeting places.  The 9' tall headless and armless pieces appear to mill about and the viewer is encouraged to walk in and around the installation.  They were impressive enough from the bus, but my traveling companion Rob had walked through them earlier in the week and said they were really amazing up close and personal.

Meanwhile, work on the Yarn's End yarn shop project continues. Here's a peek at the plans to date. I'd love to get your impression of the presentation of these plans. It's something I'm working on  for smaller, virtual projects I might work on in the future:

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks! Subscribe to ::Surroundings::


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