I'm a little late, but today is the Feast of St. Lucy (Santa Lucia) a 3rd century early Christian girl who was martyred in the name of her faith and is the patron saint of those who are blind. The name Lucy, (or Lux, Lucis), comes from the Latin for "light". Lucy was blinded for her devotion to God and unwillingness to marry a non-believer. Santa Lucia is revered by Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans and Orthadox Christians alike. Santa Lucia Day is particularly important in Scandinavian countries and is marked by a ceremony with young girls all dressed in white to mark Lucy's purity. One girl is selected to wear a crown of evergreens with white candles.

There is something just so elegantly beautiful in natural simplicity, isn't there? God Jul (Norwegian for Merry Christmas!)

I also wanted to thank my Skirted Roundtable pal Joni Webb of Cote de Texas for including my work in her recent post on fitting out book shelves in interiors. Very honored to have my work included amongst that of Suzanne Kasler, Phoebe Howard, Brooke Giannetti and other fantastic designers. It's a great post - so click here to read

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks!
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