ArtLifting is a Boston-based initiative that sells the artwork of homeless and disabled individuals. 

Trinity by Allen Chamberland

The have just launched a Kickstarter campaign with the goal of raising $20,000 which will will allow them to expand to five more cities across the nation within the next six months and to add sixty-five new artists to the ArtLifting online platform. The five target cities include Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, New York City, and Washington D.C. Following the initial expansion, ArtLifting hopes to continue to expand to help homeless and disabled individuals in every city across the country.

Brown Lion by Ed Johnson

ArtLifting, which has been incubated at the Harvard Innovation Lab and MassChallenge, has grown to support 20 homeless and disabled individuals following its launch in December 2013. ArtLifting helps its participants sell artwork that they create through art groups offered by shelters and disability centers. ArtLifting celebrates the strengths, creativity, and skills of its artists while offering them an opportunity to earn an income.

Storm Clouds by Elizabeth Cayce

Allen Chamberland, one of ArtLifting’s first artists, is wheelchair-bound and has been dependent on disability benefits for much of his life. “Thanks to ArtLifting, by this time next year, I won’t have to be on disability anymore,” said Chamberland at ArtLifting’s Kickstarter launch party to the crowd of 80 supporters, “and that feels great.”

Individuals can support ArtLifting’s mission of directly empowering homeless and disadvantaged individuals on the Kickstarter website. The ArtLifting Kickstarter campaign runs until the morning of September 11th, 2014. The campaign’s featured video provides additional remarks from ArtLifting artists and information about the campaign. 


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