Jason Bryant’s “Win, Place, Show” is on display at In Good Company in New York City until November 21, 2008.

A great designer once told me that kitchens should be furnished with fabric, artwork – elements you normally don’t think of when you are planning your kitchen design. So after you’ve picked out the hard surfaces – it’s time to go soft – balancing your kitchen and breaking up all the hard metal and cold surfaces.

If you don’t know where to begin to look for art – one interesting resource is Raandesk Gallery of Art . This is a virtually-based resource of contemporary art that features work by emerging artists. Raandesk also provides art consultation services for individuals interested in learning how to collect real art. Prices for Raandesk artists range from $100 to $10,000 so collecting can be fun and affordable. Check out their e-newsletters – it’s fun to see what’s new – especially if you just love looking at art.

I recently attended an opening for Jason Bryant at In Good Company in New York City . Jason’s life-like oil paintings are intriguingly cropped – leaving the viewer to fill in the gaps and become more intimate with the subject. I asked Jason the non-artsy question of – “what paintings would you hang in a kitchen?” Jason offered his painting called “Win, Place, Show.” He mused that the subject is looking out a window or at some far away object. Just as you would do when you are preparing food. My own kitchen has a scene of a flower on a windowsill with a farm in the backdrop. Interestingly – looking out of the window at something soothing that’s far away. What you select is up to your taste and should match the design and size of the room. Designers and art consultants can really help you in your selection – but ultimately, the choice should be personal. Is the work something you’d like to see everyday? Does the piece make you feel good? And don’t be afraid to move them around. I have an embarrassing number of prints in my basement that I’ve grown tired of. Sometimes I re-hang them in a different place that makes me fall in love all over again. But art is dynamic, personal and does enrich the room that it’s in.

I just had to share this one too. I think I’d hang it in my office. It’s called “A Crack in the Faux Finish.” It’s like a sign that says, “Whatever you want… it better be good.”

Contributed by Lori Dolnick

Read all of Lori's posts here.


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