Fans of A&E's Pride and Prejudice will remember this scene - the moment Miss Elizabeth Bennett first sees Pemberley, the home of her enemy/love interest Mr. Darcy. Of course, fans will also know that Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, England, played the role of Pemberley. I saw on Di Overton's Designers Block blog that Chatsworth is currently playing host to several enormous sculptures currently on auction at Sotheby's in a show called Private View.

Here are some views of the estate:

And here are some images from the exhibit:

The combination of scenery and setting with such contemporary works is undeniably powerful. They are matched in size and scale - the power of the natural environment and the power of man to create beauty - in modern art and centuries old architecture. It must be breathtaking in person!

Here's a link to a video with (a very attractive) Simon Stock, Sotheby's deputy director of Impressionist and Modern Art, as he walks the grounds discussing the work and setting.

Visit Di's blog for more photos.

Visit Sotheby's for a downloadable catalogue.


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