One of my favorite celebrities is Gary Sinise. I've long had a crush on him (love me a cute red head!) but beyond that, he's dedicate his life to helping our active military service members, veterans and most especially those who have sacrificed so much so the rest of us can go about our daily business in safety.

One of the Gary Sinise Foundation initiatives is to build smart homes for severely wounded veterans so that they can live the most "normal" lives possible. The technology available is remarkable, as is the dedication of all the volunteers and donors to this amazing program. By the end of 2014 they expect to have 30 homes across the country either finished or in the active building process.  This video below shows what amazing features a completed home will have. If you visit this page on their website, you will see information about each home. 

My dad, Bob Merrill, was in Naval flight school during World War II and though the war ended before he graduated, he was ready and willing to serve. My maternal grandfather Edmund Costello, was an Army Pilot in World War 1.

 Robert Matthews Merrill

Edmund James Costello

In honor of them and all those who serve, I have made a donation to support the R.I.S.E. initiative which includes the building of smart homes for those most in need. 

I would ask you to consider making a donation of any size as well to this wonderful initiative. 

100% of donations to the Gary Sinise Foundation is dedicated to serving and honoring our nation's defenders, veterans, first responders, their families and those in need. 

As a sign of my commitment to providing ongoing support of this wonderful organization and most especially the continued growth of their smart home initiative, I will offer anyone who makes a donation between now and the end of 2014 directed to the Gary Sinise Foundation RISE program a FREE virtual design plan (Jump Start Level 1) valued at $500. You can read more about this plan here.  This would make a great holiday gift for a new homeowner in your life as well!

If you wish to participate, please email me proof of your donation and we'll take it from there! Donations of any size will be fine, but the bigger the better.  

Obviously, there are many, many worthwhile causes to support and I appreciate your consideration. Hug a Vet today. 


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