I've long wanted to do a bold mural or wallpaper background in a space - either my own or a client's. I seriously considered doing something here at Nook Cottage, but I have a lot of art to hang and not a lot of wall space, so the mural concept hasn't come to fruition. But, it hasn't stopped me from collecting some great image ideas. 

Wallpaper from Mr. Perswall

via House to Home. Photography Katya De Grunwald

source unknown. Map from Toys R Us

from Laqfoil

source unknown

Designer Raji Radhakrishan for Kips Bay show house featuring a photo mural of a painting by Pierre-Paul Prud'hon.

design by Carlyn And Company Interiors + Design

designer Lauren Liess

design by Paul Marra

designer unknown

I just love how these bold backdrops have such flexibility. In some cases they are the true focal point of the design and in others, they ground the space. You can use real art, paint a mural, wallpaper murals or photo murals - there are so many options and resources available. Some are listed above in the credits. I would also like to point you to Laurie Laizure's Customized Walls company. They have a wide selection of artwork available or you can send them a photo for them to reproduce on a large scale.  While mural wallpaper can be very expensive, photo murals can be a very well-priced option. 

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