Nicky Haslam's French Farmhouse in the Wall Street Journal. The simple textures, luxurious antiques and country feel are just to die! (photo by Simon Upton)

Butler's Pantry design by Meg Braff featured in this month's House Beautiful. I love, love, love green and this tiny space, described by Meg as a "little green jewel box" is perfection, including the well worn carpets. (Photo by James Merrell)

Ukraine born, New Jersey based Vladimir Kanevsky creates the most amazing porcelain flowers which, as Carolyn Roehm put it "almost compete with Mother Nature".  His works are featured in the Wall Street Journal in their story "Porcelain Flowers Never Die". He also has the most enticing first page on a website I've seen in a long, long time.  Spectacular on a big screen!

Hope you enjoyed a little Friday Pretty and have a wonderful weekend. I just booked a trip to Bermuda Birthday Bash trip (not going till August!) so am dreaming of blue/green waters and pink sands!  Meanwhile, a few of us on Twitter are thinking we might need to form a Downton Abbey support group - who's in?

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks! Subscribe to ::Surroundings::


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