I wanted to thanks Veronika, Tim and team at Modenus for featuring two of my projects in their popular Before & After feature on their website. It's always interesting to hear how others interpret my work and they were very generous in their appraisal - much appreciated. If you want to see more, click on each image below to be taken to the story.

What is Modenus, you may ask?  Modenus is a networking platform and resourcing catalog for the interior design community. Designers, and really anyone passionate about interior design, can connect in forums and find design inspiration on a daily basis.  Their catalog features some of the very best furniture, tile, lighting, and more from around the world. They also offer project management functionality for design trade professionals. Founder Veronika Miller, who has an extensive background in kitchen design, founded Modenus to serve needs of the designer she felt were unmet in the industry. They are an international outfit, with offices in the US and England, which provides a much more global coverage of design than many other sites offer. Click here to read more. They've also now started an über-exciting project called BlogTour where they bring together design bloggers from around the world in small groups to attend some of the biggest design shows around. This year they are doing tours in New York, Milan, Paris and London. In the spirit of full disclosure, I'm hoping to be selected for either Paris or London next Fall, but I'll be sure to be following the tweets and posts from all the design/blogger groups as they tour the world.

And, yes, that was a total suck up moment. 

What's up for your weekend? This is mine... that's quite and angry inbox, isn't it?? I think the card for my Sister-in-Law's birthday (which is today) is in there somewhere...

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks! Subscribe to ::Surroundings::


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