Contributed by Susan Schultz

In September 2008, IMM Cologne unveiled its 2009 trend forecast. Developed by a team of five international design notables in conjunction with support from IMM Cologne staffers, the four trends for 2009 address some familiar design themes—recycling, vintage, technology, green, etc.—but mix them up in some surprising ways.

Following are some images from the trend presentation along with the captions/descriptions that were included. For additional images and more detail on the color palettes and materials, check out the related post on the designbizrx site.

Because “trend” is such a loaded idea in design, I thought it would be best to present this information with no editorializing on my part! Just bear in mind, this was all originally written in German.

Extra Much
Sorry but minimalism no longer works and modest requirements are regrettably a false virtue. In an extreme phase, it simply has to be more, more of everything and all the time, so we exploit everything to the full. And this is far more than we think. We create artificial worlds and access areas, which have never seen mankind before. Revolutionary technology facilitates this. It has infiltrated our nature like a virus. Bit by bit we are changing out habitual perspectives and ultimately our entire lifestyle. Welcome to the new era!

To The Limit
The search for new, groundbreaking materials, design and structures drives us. A design is only good if the creator has given his all.
We follow two options simultaneously but still arrive at the same result. Our second life is a parallel universe, which looks damnably like the first one.
Virus Attacks
Our product world is open to attack. Each piece of furniture serves as a host for our design viruses this setting an irretrievable but incredibly inspiring transformation process in motion.
Trash Luxe
We are recyclers of industrial waste, infiltrating it with plenty of feeling. The new luxury is out there on the street, all you have to do is collect it.


Photos and text contributed by Susan Schultz

Click here to read all of Susan's posts.


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