I've been completely remiss in not posting about photographer Michael J. Lee sooner! We met for coffee several months ago and I got the chance to view his portfolio in person. In all honesty, I think part of my foot dragging is that his printed photography is just so spectacular that the online images just could not compare! But, his website was updated and the new images just pop! (Although there is nothing like seeing them in print!)

Michael comes to architectural photography from a long time role as interior designer. He has worked for two New England Design Hall Of Fame inductees - Celeste Cooper and Richard FitzGerald. For Mr. FitzGerald, Michael created this table display at Dining By Design Boston in 2007:
photo by Linda Merrill for ::Surroundings::

Michael told me that he started photographing the spaces he and his colleagues were creating and realized that he truly loved the photography aspect of the process more. And so, a new career was born!

Clearly, Micheal's eye for design shines in his photography!



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