Okay, so this article is a wee bit late for Christmas, but some of these ideas will work for New Year's as well!

Long time readers will have noticed that my posts have become, shall we say, sparse, over the last year or so. Mainly, it's because I've been doing a lot of writing for other websites, notably Networx.com and Williams-Sonoma Designer Marketplace. The Networx articles are focused to the general home market and are a mix of decorating ideas, product pics on a theme, sometimes cleaning ideas, etc. Many of these articles are also syndicated nationally and in Canada and have appeared in the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Vancouver Sun and others.  The Williams-Sonoma Designer Marketplace articles are geared towards the professional interior designer and are tips and ideas for running a design business. Other writers in this series include Tobi Fairley, Robin Callan of RoomFu, Jay Johnson of Design2Share, and Melissa Michaels of The Inspired Room. If you're a designer, or looking to become one, this series of posts is educational and inspirational.

I've reposted some articles here on occasion but it's been pretty ad hoc. In my never ending quest to make things easier (for me!) while still providing a lot of good content, I'll be posting screen shots of the published articles that link to the full piece.

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks!
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