Certainly, one of the the most unexpected yet best parts of being a blogger are all the event invitations that I receive. It's always an honor to be invited, especially to smaller events, because the brands or artists who are hosting are making a real investment in getting to know me and in me getting to know them. There's always lots to learn and enjoy, that's for sure! I've been short on posts these last couple of weeks but I didn't want to miss sharing some of what's been going on.

For starters, last evening I attended an intimate Better Living dinner at the Miele Gallery in Wellesley, MA. Miele is well known for their housekeeping products from cooktops to vacuums.  I learned last night that their very first product in the 19th century was a butter churn. Germany based Miele (pronounced like Sheila or Tequila)  has been making big inroads into the US market for a long time with their beautifully designed products. They have been hosting a series of dinners around the country that focus on "farm to fork" cuisine and feature a local chef who is championing the locally grown movement. Last night's "Table Artist" was Will Gilson who treated us to a delectable dinner that featured locally grown produce made using Miele's various kitchen appliances including their induction cook top and steam ovens. Chef Gilson is just about to open a new restaurant in Inman Sq. Cambridge called Purtian & Co. which will stay true to his sustainable philosophy while remaining deeply rooted in New England tradition. If you want to keep up with the official opening (late October) of Puritan & Co. follow Will on Twitter. #yum

The "Sous Vide" Buttermilk Poached chicken dish was cooked in a Miele steam oven and was incredibly moist and flavorful.

They also used the steam oven to make the Corn Flan which was served still warm from the oven. Delish. Thanks Miele and Chef Gilson for the wonderful evening!

Not all events are invitation only and I wanted to share some of what is coming up:

Tile of Spain, a trade representatives for the world famous Spanish tile making industry, is presenting Designs within Designs: Progressive Ceramics in Today’s Architecture, a complimentary CEU program and networking event at the BSA in Boston on Wednesday October 17th. This free event is for architects and interior designers. Click here to learn more or register now!

::Surroundings:: Contributor Lori Dolnick adds: "Beyond the CEU, wonderful food, wine and a chance to see the latest tile innovations from Spain… expect the unexpected. I have been to a lot of design events and trade shows. Cevisama in Spain took me by surprise. I never knew there was so much depth to tile: so much technology, environmental benefits and artisanal skill. The Tile of Spain manufacturers lead the world in innovation and design, which is why they partner with Universities around the world, like Harvard - working on tile technologies for the future. Tiles that not only clean themselves, but the air around them; tiles that are warm to the touch while minimizing the need for heating or cooling a space; integrated photovoltaics for onsite renewable energy; raised floor & chambered wall systems that create a user-defined, reactive environment and reactive glazes that can change color or act as a switch for utilities."

I'm sad I won't be able to attend the event myself but I also wanted to share a sneak invite for a contest they are running. Want a chance to win a trip to Spain? Click here to learn more.

On Wednesday the 3rd, the Boston Design Center will be presenting a day of events called The Look. Sadly, what was up until last year a 3 day event with lots of featured speakers and seminars has been shrunk down to a single day. Showrooms will be featuring their own in-showroom events all day long, plus there will the BDC's annual Trends 2013 presentation offered by VP. and General Manager Julie Rogowski, a designer's luncheon sponsored by New England Home magazine, and the finish off the day a cocktail party for the announcing of the next inductees into the New England Design Hall of Fame, also sponsored by New England Home magazine.

 Cassandra LaValle

New this year is a focus on design blogging (yes, the BDC has FINALLY figured out that blogging is a "thing") with featured guest Cassandra LaValle of the popular lifestyle & fashion blog Coco + Kelly. Joining Cassandra in the new BDC Designer's Club 342 will be nine of New England's top design bloggers including:

We're starting with a press breakfast and will be tweeting and blogging throughout the day. Check out Leslie Fine's blog for more information, including everyone's Twitter handles here.

All of these events are Trade only, so I hope to see many of my fellow designer's there!

Have a wonderful weekend!

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks! Subscribe to ::Surroundings::


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