There is a fascinating piece here on the connection between a cluttered desk and a creative mind. If an empty desk is the sign of an empty mind, as Mr. Einstein hints at above, then no one will ever accuse me of having an empty mind. I've always been the kind of person who needs to see things to be reminded of them. I'm terrible at list making - I try but fail over and over again. So, it's only in seeing a thing that I'm reminded of it. I'm like that with things in the fridge as well - if I can't see it, it doesn't exist and rots. So, does my general state of clutter mean I'm just cluttered (and clearly forgetful), or does it allow for more creativity?

Corner of the Studio by Henry Lee Mcfee (1932)

Unfortunately, I'm not "romantically" cluttered as portrayed above in the McFee painting. I've never had the knack of attaining a "pretty" disheveled look. The stuff of the work desk is just always there.

Jay Fielden's (eic Town & Country) totally gorge home office in Connecticut has lots of stuff, but isn't cluttered at all. Of course, he has a separate office in the city, but still - where's the paperclips, pencils and cords! (photo by Trevor Tondro for NYT)

Above and below are two versions of Mary McDonald's office. Glam and chic of course - but is work happening here? My home office has the same sloped ceiling - which is a total pain because standard height book shelves are too tall for the side walls which are about 4'6" high. One end of my office has the door, the other end is the single window (there is a sky light). I couldn't put the desk across the space as Mary has it because of the window glare and also because I'm pretty sure I'd knock things off the back of the desk if it weren't pushed up against a wall.

In the article, they ultimately say that clutter begets creativity - as cluttered people are more likely to choose "off the beaten path" type solutions - but isn't great for productivity. I'd have to agree with this - I can let things go for a while - but when I really need to buckle down, I have to clear the decks.

Could you work here? This from Claudia at The Paris Apartment blog. This is in her apartment and I think it's not how things usually are - she had gotten in a huge shipment from Paris and was sorting and photographing things. It's certainly eye-catching and I imagine some people would be very invigorated by all the beautiful prints and patterns - but I suspect I am not one of them. This is the pretty, romantic cluttered look I wish I could master though!

I've always been drawn to this image. It's organized, but feels actually like a space one might get some work done in.  It's been blogged to death - but even the BHG site (to which all roads lead) doesn't give credit to the designer or homeowner. So, if anyone knows, please let me know and I'll add it in.

Atlanta designer Barbara Westbrook's office was featured in Atlanta Homes in 2012. This really is my dream office (sans cat). Read more here. While technically not a home office, it is in a house and retains the feel of a more personal space than the traditional office. Love the simplicity of palette, the baskets and how organized it all is!

This is my "Dream House" home office design. In my dream world, I would also have a larger commercial space and this would be my at home work space - where I could entertain clients and go over plans. Trying to capture the clean look!

Meanwhile, I deal with this... As you can see, I can even bear to share a wide shot.

I have to get some organizing done... 

How do you like to keep your office - cluttered or clear?

If you'd like help decorating your dream space - contact me!


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