So, it's Valentine's Day. When was the last time you sent an honest to God hand-written love letter on this day, or any other for that matter? 

 Writing desks and letter writing conjure up romantic images of antique desks often set by a window for better light and for day dreaming. 


 I think writing desks went out of style for a while because of the hugeness of computers. But now that lap tops and tablets are so tiny, the little writing desk can be used again. Of course, they were never too small for plain old pen and paper...

 Below is my writing desk that my Dad found for me in a barn sale or antique store somewhere and refinished to match my bedroom when I was in elementary school. It's one of my prized possessions.

So, what got me to thinking about the importance of written love letters and correspondence today? As I've been sorting through my parent's files, I came across two items of great family importance. The first was a love letter my Grandfather Frank Merrill wrote to my Grandmother Marie (whom I'm named for - Linda Marie) on their wedding day: 

My Dad's parents, Frank and Marie, passed away before I was born, while they were both still in their 60's. My Grandmother died only 6 months after my parent's married, and my Grandfather just two years after that. While he always seemed a bit of a curmudgeon from stories I'd heard, it's clear his heart ran deep and my romantic notion that he died of a broken heart seems to be backed up by this letter. Also in the envelope was a gold bracelet and a red/white/blue striped ribbon - perhaps they met on July 4th?

My Dad was quite an archivist and a romantic as well. He kept so many treasures, including a cache of the letters my Mom sent him when she traveled to Europe for six weeks in the summer of 1953. She'd saved for years for this tour of Europe, but her letters are peppered with her wishes for the trip to be over and how she'd be the first one off the gang plank upon her return. That they'd have "fun, fun, fun!" and that she was taking notes for a return trip - perhaps on their 50th anniversary.

As it happened, there was a little romantic travel on their 50th wedding anniversary, although it was in the form of a dinner train ride on Cape Cod with their children and grandchildren.

Sadly, I don't think my Mom kept his letters to her - which are referenced in hers. How cool would it have been to have both sides of their long-distance conversation? They'd only known each other for 3 months when she was setting sail and became engaged before the trip - he wanted to lock her down before some European Lothario got hold of her. Reading these letters, I found out that the engagement was actually secret - at least from friends. She kept begging him not to spill the beans till she got home.  I'm assuming their parents all knew, but who knows...? There may be more letters in his files that I haven't come across yet. There were stories of a drunken letter she sent while drinking chianti in the hotel room during a very rainy day in Venice. He always teased that her handwriting from good to illegible. The thought that my straight-laced Mom sent an "I love you Man" drunk letter has always tickled me. 

Meanwhile, I'm supposed to be taking the train to NYC just for the day tomorrow to meet clients and go shopping. Now they are saying a blizzard is coming for the afternoon/evening... I've canceled my last two day's plans due to weather. I'm going nuts!!! 

PS -Still working on finding the perfect furry friend. Was supposed go meet a real cutie today, but we postponed till Monday. Finger's crossed!


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