Portrait of Isabella Stewart Gardner, 1888, John Singer Sargent, Oil on canvas

A very quick post today. I wanted to share a newly published article I wrote for Networx that also appeared on the Fox News site entitled: What's Behind Interior Design Service Prices.

"Several years ago, at an architecture trade show in Boston, I attended a panel discussion on how to price design services. I was new in business and assumed that most of the other attendees would also be business “newbies”. I was surprised, shocked even, when the audience was asked by a show of hands how long they’d been in business. While at least half the attendees were new business owners, the rest had been in business over five years and some had been around for over twenty years. It was a real eye-opener and I realized that no matter how long one has been in business, pricing one’s services is complex and always in need of evaluation. Given the complexity of the issue for professional architects and designers, it’s no wonder that those seeking design services are nearly always confused about the issue. Let’s face it, we don’t know what we don’t know and we all make assumptions based on limited knowledge.

The single most asked question made to a designer is: “What will this cost me?”  And most designers will put off the answer until they know more about the entire scope of the project, the clients and what is involved. It’s no wonder there is confusion and, at times, suspicion about the process."

Read the rest of the article here

I'm also wildly excited to attend a design bloggers night tonight at the newly renovated Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. I've been dying to go since the opening of the new wing by architect Renzo Piano:

Image via Inhabitat

The Gardner folks have a fabulous Pinterest going with picks from staff members and the bloggers have also been given a page. So Follow Along here! I'm  sure I'll have fun things to say after the party. Oh, and fun fact - I've heard that all Isabella's get in for free for life! So, if you, or someone you know, is having a girl and live in the Boston area, it's an awfully pretty name that comes with benefits!

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks!

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