It’s not sexy like a luxurious soaking tub, gorgeous fabrics or marble surfaces, but underlying construction requirements are an unavoidable -- and cost intensive-- aspect of most design and remodeling projects.

If you want a project to look good when completed and keep looking good for years to come, the work needs to be done correctly in the first place. In some cases, this means you should set aside 20% more money onto contract estimates to cover unexpected contingencies.  The added amount could cover the unexpected, such as:

• Enhanced for granite topped kitchen islands or soaking tubs.

• Leveling a plywood or concrete subfloor to make it suitable for tiling.

• Framing corrections or replacement to address hidden moisture problems.

via Waterworks

• Additional plumbing or electrical work needed to bring your dwelling up to current building codes, or to address deficiencies in these areas arising from the future intended use of the space.

• Sharp price spikes in the cost of building materials. The price of gasoline alone will result in immediate price increases in most building materials as well as furnishings - starting with the manufacturing process and ending with the delivery to your home.

Bottom line: Plan ahead  for the nasty, costly surprises, and they won’t seem so nasty when they occur! And, if by some miracle everything has gone smoothly – you'll have some extra cash for those little extras you might be hoping for! 

Along with project and budget planning, don't forget about careful financial planning. If your home renovation project budget requires financing,  do your research to find the best mortgage lenders for your needs

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks! Subscribe to ::Surroundings::


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