As I mentioned last week, I was invited to spend an evening taking an "insiders" tour of the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum. The Museum's marketing department invited a group of design, wine and gardening bloggers and gave us a cook's tour starting at the top floor, working our way down the original building and over to the new Renzo Piano wing. And, we had permission to take photos - an very special privilege.

The centerpiece of the original museum is of course the famous Venentian villa inspired courtyard with three stories of windows overlooking gorgeous gardens and statuary. As we started in the top floor, I was able to shoot this amazing indoor courtyard from different levels and views. The sun popped out just as i wasshooting the image above. It was like the heavens were singing. I hope you enjoy!

Gothic and Moorish arched balcony windows on alternating floors. We were there on Thursday evening where they were holding one of their Gardner After Hours events, so lots of people were enjoying the space witha nice glass of wine. The tented space you can see in the middle of the above image is part of their statue restoration process that they are currently undertaking. Visitors are not allowed in the garden proper, but it certainly feels as if you're a part of it from all angles.
This is the view from the second floor.


And below we're now on the first floor.



There's more to come from the rest of our tour, including the Tapestry Room, the new Renzo Piano wing, and the greenhouses.

All photos by Linda Merrill. All rights reserved.



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