© Living in Style London edited by Geraldine Apponyi and Monika Apponyi, published by teNeues, http://www.teneues.com/

TeNeus Publishing Group has just released a beautiful, I mean really beautiful, book LIVING IN STYLE LONDON edited by Geraldine Apponyi and Monika Apponyi with texts (in English, French and German) by the prolific Judith Miller (who we interviewed on The Skirted Roundtable) .  The houses, many the private homes of major league interior designers and art & antiques dealers,  featured cover a wide range of design styles from traditional, prototypical cozy English libraries to more modern, brighter spaces - all gorgeous and inspirational. Unfortunately, I've only been to London for part of a single day (it was raining, of course) and hope with all my heart to go back at some point and see some rooms like these.  Meanwhile, I can turn the pages of LIVING IN STYLE LONDON.

Photo © Marc Rogoff/The Interior Archive
Interior designer David Carter's home features theatrical interiors that are the frequent locations for photoshoots and film.

Photo © Simon Upton/The Interior Archive
  Art dealer and gallery owner David Gill's colorful1900 era building which was formerly a handbag factory.

Photo © Paul Redman, courtesy of John Minshaw
Architectural and interior designer John Minshaw's gorgeous Georgian home spans six floors and is a truly extraordinary example of allowing the architecture to dictate the design.

Photo © Fritz von der Schulenburg/The Interior Archive
Interior designer John Stefandis' London house features all the rich, saturated colors common in his work. A big reader, the house is designed to accommodate his book collection.

 Photo © Tim Beddow, courtesy of MM Design 
LIVING IN STYLE LONDON book editor Monika Apponyi of MM Design's home features a rich color palette and comfy nooks with lots of books and art.

 Photo © Tim Beddow, courtesy of MM Design
 This is Monika's small and glamorous kitchen where glossy finishes maximize the light. (I totally love small kitchens)

  Photo © Tim Beddow, courtesy of MM Design
 This private home, designed by book editor's Geraldine Apponyi and Monika Apponyi, features a fantastic glitter ball in the drawing room.  In lesser hands, this would look cheap, but certainly not here.

 Photo © Chris Drake/Recover
The terraced garden of the 19th century London townhouse of antiques dealers Marc and Heather Weaver. Note the antique windows that have been fitted with mirror to expand the tiny space. 

This is a great book - that's nearly all pictures -  that could easily be overlooked by American design enthusiasts. Definitely not to be missed.

Note: All images are used here with permission and are owned by their respective copyright owners as noted above.


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