Congratulations to Queen Elizabeth II on her 60th year as British Monarch. I just finished watching The Tudors, a four season series that aired on Showtime here in the States a couple of years ago. Great series, btw. So I'm feeling very entrenched in British history at the moment.

If it weren't for my 12th Gr. Grandfather Nathaniel Merrill who came over from Essex, England to Massachusetts Colony in 1633, I may have today been a British subject. While I do love all the pomp that the Brits are so good at, I'm glad things worked out as they did.

I can't help but thing that the Eighth Henry would have found today's Jubilee celebrations very exciting as well as familiar. Tradition!

The Field of Cloth of Gold, coloured print by James Basire in 1774, from a 16th century oil painting in the Royal Collection.

God Save the Queen!


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