Shaker Barn that houses the classic car collection at Heritage Museums & Gardens in Sandwich, MA - photo via

As designers, especially those of us involved in social media, we are inundated with visual images all day, every day. Sometimes, I feel like there is nothing I haven't seen already, read already, or done already. Burnout can hit anyone in any career. No matter how much we love it any one of us can get to a point where we stop "seeing" what's in front of us, or coming up with fresh new ideas. More than any other design medium, interior design is one for all the senses and so it makes sense to me that when we’re in need of a recharge and fresh inspiration, we engage all our senses in the process.

Lily pond  -  photo via

Museums: When asked, most designers respond that travel is their number one valued method of gaining design inspiration. This is certainly true - a trip to Paris or Tahiti will certainly do the job and travel of any kind can't be overlooked when developing a broad design sensibility. But when time and budget gets in the way of big travel plans, try a "staycation" and play tourist in your own town or region. Museums of all kinds offer great ideas and stimulating new experiences.

Historical house museums and art museums are obvious choices, but don't forget science museums which can boast wonderful modern architecture, or an aquarium which showcases natural beauty along with interesting exhibits and lighting displays. Single genre museums (automobiles, airplanes, dolls) are often housed in interesting buildings that may be historic or modern. Inspiration can come from anywhere and learning about historical design styles and their color combinations, or geometric patterns that speak to a specific time period can become wonderful inspirations for our modern designs. In the end, just being steeped in the creative genius of others is inspiring in and of itself.

 Antique Carousel - photo via

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The Flume- photo via

All images taken at Heritage Museums & Gardens, Sandwich, MA

Book reviews will continue next week. Meanwhile, have a nice weekend!


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