I'm doing a very quick whirlwind trip down to NYC tomorrow for the Architectural Digest Home Show - driving down and back in one day. Crazy, I know. But, it's a smallish show, which I like, so once I get there, it's pretty contained and easy to wander around. One of the neat things about the show is that it's one of the few that has both design trade days and also public days. Thursday is trade and press day, so it's likely to be less crowded than the others, always a nice thing! There will be a ton of blogging buddies there whom I'm excited to meet in person (IRL as it's called). Veronika and Tim from Modenus have put together a fabulous Blog Tour NYC group of international design and lifestyle bloggers who will be running all over Manhattan over the next week. But we all will be converging on the show at 11:00 for a Tweetup called "Mary's and Mimosa's". Given how hot it's going to be, I will be very excited for some cool orange juice and chamagne. 

I'm super excited to finally meet Toma Clark Haines, The Antiques Diva whom I profiled in my new issue of ::Surroundings::. We've been emailing back and forth for a few years and I did a guest post on her blog of the Duxbury Antiques Show a couple of years ago.

I've been pulling together some of the booths that I want to make a point of visiting and pinning them to a Pinterest board. I have to say that it's one of the features I love about Pinterest is how easy it is to gather information with links right back to the source. I'll be able to access my board via my iPhone Pinterest app and I'll be good to go. Also, I noticed there seems to be a trend on my boards. It's always interesting to see one's own preferences. I guess I see: curvy, feminine, a little rococo, mixed with a touch of New England simplicity. I like it! You can click the image above to see all the images in a larger format and click through to the links.

If you're on Twitter, you can follow me @surroundings or follow the hashtag's: #blogtourNYC or #marysandmimosas And if you're going to be there - tweet me!

I'm going to end the day at the World Trade Center Memorial, which will certainly be an emotional journey. When I was a little girl living in New Jersey, we could see the construction of the towers in the far off distance - well, only in the winter on a very clear day. We were on the side of a mountainous area and the towers were two tiny sticks in the far off city. As it happens, I never saw them up close in person. Bringing my kleenex, that's for sure.

If you would like my help on your design project, I would love to chat with you! Please email me. Thanks! Subscribe to ::Surroundings::


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